
Showing posts from March 14, 2017
SOUTH MUGIRANGO POLITICS A DECISIONAL FURNACE  By:Sylvester Mogusu Bogirango has 68000 registered voters...and we have chache and Borabu...Borabu has more voters than Chache...and its from Chache where Hon..Oyongo Manson comes from.the same Chache is where Hon Omingo comes from...Chache has both governor and senator. Borabu where the majority of voters come from....where I come from myself...we have Hon Joshua ondora Going for MP with ODM Hon Rashid Minyonga and Vincent Marube going for MP battling out for nomination in jubilee. From chache we have Philip Maobe Nyange for MP battling it out with Ondora in nomination for ODM ticket Hon. Sylvanus for MP using KNC Dennis Makori..a party yet to be disclosed Etc.... In Bogirango..there will be nothing like voting for own...for m.p..the best will survive.. Upwards.. Power sharing matrix makes the matter more complicated..the one with more political command will survive but the probability seems squint. This calls for a possible