
Showing posts from June 17, 2017


By Haron Ototo After completing my undergraduate studies in the year 2015, I opted to try my luck in Kisii County. As a Communication and Media graduate my hope was that may be I can get an opportunity to serve in the communication team or at the county assembly reporting team if their is anything like that. I was ready to face any panel that ventilated on the job seekers but before I took the very first step some things happened. An aerial view of Kisii town. Photo: Courtesy Number one, a friend who used to work in the county finance department as an intern told me that he was never delegated any duties because they considered him as an outsider. They could lock him out for more than two hours and only God knows what they were up to. Due to such disappointment and intimidation he opted to end his internship prematurely and seek a new place to finish one of the key steps in his studies. Thank God he got it and finished in the Attorney Generals Chambers. Number two, a f