
Showing posts from August 6, 2017

Raila Odinga: The Father of Corruption.

NASA principals. Photo: Courtesy. Raila Odinga has presented himself as a corruption saint for the longest time possible. However, he happens to be mono eyed when looking at corruption images. From hi pentagon team down to the county governments he decides when the spade remains a spade or when the spoon becomes a spade. He is insincere and dishonest in Many terms. A case in point is in Kisii County and especially Kisii County Governor James Ongwae. Ongwae has been accused of misappropriation of funds, poor management of county resources and all the evils as pertains to the running of the County. Some of the allegations are so grave to be mentioned, let alone talking of them in public. From the hiring of ambulances in hiked prices, the literally towing of the County's fire engine which Waw later discovered to be a hoax. An hoax because instead of the County owning one of the most paramount equipments, Ongwae leased one and it was taken away at the most important time,