
Showing posts from January, 2017


 WHY RAILA WILL NOT CONCEDE VOTER LISTING EXERCISE.  It is in the public domain that the ongoing voter listing campaign ins like a mini election which by the end of it will determine the winner of the upcoming General election. Both parties - JUBILEE and CORD/NASA have managed to traverse the country with the message that "If you don't register in large numbers, we will lose in the next election". Sorry to say that the signs are not good for either party though the highest to be hit will be The Opposition which is led by The ODM leader Raila Odinga who has said it publicly in Coast and Western that He will win the 8th August Election by the completion of the ongoing voter registration exercise.   The IEBC update on numbers released on 31st January 2017 are realy not good especially in the eyes of the opposition who had expected to overturn Mutahi Ngunyi's School of thought "Tyranny of Numbers". For instance, Nairobi which is a metropolitan Constituency is


   When talking about Gusii politics, you can't do it relevantly unless you touch on one Name, Nyachae. Simon Nyachae is known to be one of the most powerful ministers in whatever Government he has served in. Be it in Moi government or Kibaki government. He is also known to have been the only Gusii politicians to Make Gusii region to vote as a block which was only done in 2002 General election when he was ran for Presidency and came third. In the aforementioned General election, the whole Kisii region was swept by his party ford people shielding and outwitting the then powerful movements like NARK and KANU under the retired President Kibaki and President Uhuru respectfully. Five years later (2007), Nyachae retired from active politics after losing the Nyaribari Chache Parliamentary seat to Dr. Robert Monda of ODM.     Nearly 10 years after Mzee's retirement, Nyachae is back into elective politics. He is back in the name of His son Charles Ayako Nyachae who is running for Kisii


   In the run in to 2013 general election, majority of Kenyans had a wrong impression on what being a Governor or a Senator meant. Not withstanding the seniority of the aforementioned position in the political landscape we went to the elections totally ignorant. That is how James Ongwae a former Public Servant ended up becoming the governor of Kisii County and Chris Obure a seasoned politician taking the senatorial seat.    Chris Obure (The current senator and aspiring Governor) supported and campaigned for Governor Ongwae and am tempted to say that he delivered the seat to the later magnificently. Ongwae was a perrenial looser, he had never won in his own constituency where he had ran before, he relied on the ODM wave and support from Senator Obure and his constituency (Bobasi) which has the largest number of registered voters(over 80,000).    Other factors which favored Ongwae in 2013:  First, his choice of running mate in Joash maangi which delvered the Bomachoge votes. Though Maa


   MASS: ACTION VS VOTER REGISTRATION After the senate passed the "contentious" election bill which is more in the mouths of many Kenyans than it is in their minds, The opposition has once again promised to do the expected. Call for mass action. As much as it is enshrined in the Constitution as a fundamental right. It is maliciously exploited by the Oppsition led by the King of opposition Raila Amolo Odinga.    First of all lets look at Democracy. Democracy in a lay man's language means that people make a decision by considering the number of people for or against it. After which the majority carries the day. To our friends, Democracy is in their minds. What they think is Democracy is and what they think is not democracy is not. This is the reason behind the analogy that The people of Kenya have spoken. If I may ask who are Kenyans? The majority or the Minority? Uhuru's supporters or Raila's? Cord/NASA or Jubilee? You have got an answer depending on the side of


RAILA NOT A PROBLEM, THE SHELL IS..   They say "show me you friends and I will show you your character" I say show me your shell and I will show who you are. This might look like it is an advice to the CORD come NASA supporters, though it might look like it will work to the advantange I will do i any way.    In the recent past we have seen the Raila Odinga shell attacking or trying to attack the President and/or the Deputy President more often than not. It s is not only against the morals of a country but also the biblical morals and they are doing this in the name of catching the master's eye.  For instance in the book of Romans 13, the Bible says that "No authority in this world is set without Gods influence". It goes further to say that the leaders must be respected as they represent God. Now, what has the Millie Odhiambos, John Mbadis, Timoth Bosires, Opiyo Wundayis, Junet Mohameds of this country done again and again and again? disrespecting the Pres
County per  County Registered voters (IEBC website 3rd January 2017) 001 MOMBASA  408,747 002 KWALE 174,443 003 KILIFI 336,132 004 TANA RIVER 79,454 005 LAMU 52,346 006 TAITA TAVETA 113,862 007 GARISSA 115,202 008 WAJIR 118,091 009 MANDERA 120,768 010 MARSABIT 104,615 011 ISIOLO 54,462 012 MERU 487,265 013 THARAKA - NITHI 155,487 014 EMBU 227,286 015 KITUI 324,673 016 MACHAKOS 445,096 017 MAKUENI 298,221 018 NYANDARUA 255,984 019 NYERI 356,381 020 KIRINYAGA 265,290 021 MURANG'A 452,841 022 KIAMBU 861,829 023 TURKANA 132,885 024 WEST POKOT 120,986 025 SAMBURU 61,114 026 TRANS NZOIA 244,640 027 UASIN GISHU 330,630 028 ELGEYO/MARAKWET 134,568 029 NANDI 263,254 030 BARINGO 173,653 031 LAIKIPIA 173,905 032 NAKURU 695,318 033 NAROK 262,738 034 KAJIADO 304,346 035 KERICHO 290,458 036 BOMET 252,358 037 KAKAMEGA 567,460 038 VIHIGA 202,822 039 BUNGOMA 410,462 040 BUSIA 251,305 041 SIAYA 311,919 042 KISUMU 385,820 043 HOMA BAY 325,826 044 MIGORI 28